Short Course body giveaway

In October 2023 for Breast Cancer Awareness Month I had Bryan Johnston paint up a really cool body to give away.  All you had to do was place an order thru the website and you were automatically entered to win.  Bryan Wright ended up being the winning name drawn.  Here is the pic he sent […]

4 Poles Of Glory….

After months of no hard work and zero time testing I am proud to show off the all new artist rendering of a motor from Rotor Ron. Since all these drag racers seem to be smoking something, I am calling this the Crack Rock 1.0. Due to the popularity of 4 pole motors all of […]

Social Media and 4 Pole Motors , I think I broke the internet….

About 2 months ago I had a couple good drag customers reach out to me about getting a Castle 4 pole motor. They tipped me that some of the ‘top’ drag racers in the country were testing them and running fast laps. About the same time my 2 pole drag motor sales all but stopped. […]

This type of behavior is unacceptable. Part 2

This must be my lucky week!  Another drag racer that really needed his batter worse than anything else in the world.  Unless you live under a rock, its well documented all over the news the issues with the US Postal System. Now you add in the labor shortage which is a real problem in the […]

This type of behavior is unacceptable.

A couple weeks ago I had a customer reach out to me saying that a motor they bought from me was having some issues and we narrowed the issue down to a sensor board. Out of courtesy (because he has already run it many times) I went ahead and sent him a new board at […]

WANTED: Good, Motivated & Reliable RC Car/Truck Body Painter

I am looking for a good, self motivated and RELIABLE (that being the key word) body painter to paint bodies for the Rotor Ron website. My expectations are as follows: -Paint 10 to 15 awesome looking bodies per month for my customers that I provide you. Most bodies are 3 color but I may want […]

I Seem To Have A Hater!

Last week this guy sent a message to my personal page asking me to check my business page for his message. Oddly enough I did not answer him because it was in my spam box. On Facebook your message can end up in spam for sending too many messages or being blocked too many times […]

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